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Image | Title | Text |
Smile | :) :-) (: | |
Wink | ;) | |
Frown | :( | |
Mad | :mad: >:( :@ | |
Confused | :confused: | |
Cool | :cool: 8-) | |
Stick Out Tongue | :p :P :-p :-P | |
Big Grin | :D | |
Eek! | :eek: :o | |
Oops! | :oops: | |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: | |
Er... what? | o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Aerial Tramway | :emoji_aerial_tramway: | |
Airplane | :emoji_airplane: | |
Airplane Arriving | :emoji_airplane_arriving: | |
Airplane Departure | :emoji_airplane_departure: | |
Airplane Small | :emoji_airplane_small: | |
Ambulance | :emoji_ambulance: | |
Anchor | :emoji_anchor: | |
Articulated Lorry | :emoji_articulated_lorry: | |
Bank | :emoji_bank: | |
Beach | :emoji_beach: | |
Bike | :emoji_bike: | |
Blue Car | :emoji_blue_car: | |
Bridge At_night | :emoji_bridge_at_night: | |
Bullettrain Front | :emoji_bullettrain_front: | |
Bullettrain Side | :emoji_bullettrain_side: | |
Bus | :emoji_bus: | |
Busstop | :emoji_busstop: | |
Camping | :emoji_camping: | |
Canoe | :emoji_canoe: | |
Carousel Horse | :emoji_carousel_horse: | |
Checkered Flag | :emoji_checkered_flag: | |
Church | :emoji_church: | |
City Dusk | :emoji_city_dusk: | |
City Sunset | :emoji_city_sunset: | |
Cityscape | :emoji_cityscape: | |
Classical Building | :emoji_classical_building: | |
Construction | :emoji_construction: | |
Construction Site | :emoji_construction_site: | |
Convenience Store | :emoji_convenience_store: | |
Cruise Ship | :emoji_cruise_ship: | |
Department Store | :emoji_department_store: | |
Desert | :emoji_desert: | |
European Castle | :emoji_european_castle: | |
European Post_office | :emoji_european_post_office: | |
Factory | :emoji_factory: | |
Ferris Wheel | :emoji_ferris_wheel: | |
Ferry | :emoji_ferry: | |
Fire Engine | :emoji_fire_engine: | |
Fireworks | :emoji_fireworks: | |
Foggy | :emoji_foggy: | |
Fountain | :emoji_fountain: | |
Fuelpump | :emoji_fuelpump: | |
Helicopter | :emoji_helicopter: | |
Homes | :emoji_homes: | |
Hospital | :emoji_hospital: | |
Hotel | :emoji_hotel: | |
House | :emoji_house: | |
House Abandoned | :emoji_house_abandoned: | |
House With_garden | :emoji_house_with_garden: | |
Island | :emoji_island: | |
Japan | :emoji_japan: | |
Japanese Castle | :emoji_japanese_castle: | |
Kaaba | :emoji_kaaba: | |
Light Rail | :emoji_light_rail: | |
Love Hotel | :emoji_love_hotel: | |
Metro | :emoji_metro: | |
Milky Way | :emoji_milky_way: | |
Minibus | :emoji_minibus: | |
Monorail | :emoji_monorail: | |
Mosque | :emoji_mosque: | |
Motor Scooter | :emoji_motor_scooter: | |
Motorboat | :emoji_motorboat: | |
Motorcycle | :emoji_motorcycle: | |
Motorway | :emoji_motorway: | |
Mount Fuji | :emoji_mount_fuji: | |
Mountain | :emoji_mountain: | |
Mountain Cableway | :emoji_mountain_cableway: | |
Mountain Railway | :emoji_mountain_railway: | |
Mountain Snow | :emoji_mountain_snow: | |
Night With_stars | :emoji_night_with_stars: | |
Office | :emoji_office: | |
Oncoming Automobile | :emoji_oncoming_automobile: | |
Oncoming Bus | :emoji_oncoming_bus: | |
Oncoming Police_car | :emoji_oncoming_police_car: | |
Oncoming Taxi | :emoji_oncoming_taxi: | |
Park | :emoji_park: | |
Police Car | :emoji_police_car: | |
Post Office | :emoji_post_office: | |
Race Car | :emoji_race_car: | |
Railway Car | :emoji_railway_car: | |
Railway Track | :emoji_railway_track: | |
Rainbow | :emoji_rainbow: | |
Red Car | :emoji_red_car: | |
Rice Scene | :emoji_rice_scene: | |
Rocket | :emoji_rocket: | |
Roller Coaster | :emoji_roller_coaster: | |
Rotating Light | :emoji_rotating_light: | |
Sa | :emoji_sa: | |
Sagittarius | :emoji_sagittarius: | |
Sailboat | :emoji_sailboat: | |
Satellite Orbital | :emoji_satellite_orbital: | |
School | :emoji_school: | |
Scooter | :emoji_scooter: | |
Scorpius | :emoji_scorpius: | |
Seat | :emoji_seat: | |
Secret | :emoji_secret: | |
Seven | :emoji_seven: | |
Shinto Shrine | :emoji_shinto_shrine: | |
Ship | :emoji_ship: | |
Signal Strength | :emoji_signal_strength: | |
Six | :emoji_six: | |
Six Pointed_star | :emoji_six_pointed_star: | |
Small Blue_diamond | :emoji_small_blue_diamond: | |
Small Orange_diamond | :emoji_small_orange_diamond: | |
Small Red_triangle | :emoji_small_red_triangle: | |
Small Red_triangle_down | :emoji_small_red_triangle_down: | |
Soon | :emoji_soon: | |
Sos | :emoji_sos: | |
Sound | :emoji_sound: | |
Spades | :emoji_spades: | |
Sparkle | :emoji_sparkle: | |
Sparkler | :emoji_sparkler: | |
Sparkling Heart | :emoji_sparkling_heart: | |
Speaker | :emoji_speaker: | |
Speech Balloon | :emoji_speech_balloon: | |
Speech Left | :emoji_speech_left: | |
Speedboat | :emoji_speedboat: | |
Stadium | :emoji_stadium: | |
Star And_crescent | :emoji_star_and_crescent: | |
Star Of_david | :emoji_star_of_david: | |
Stars | :emoji_stars: | |
Station | :emoji_station: | |
Statue Of_liberty | :emoji_statue_of_liberty: | |
Steam Locomotive | :emoji_steam_locomotive: | |
Stop Button | :emoji_stop_button: | |
Sunrise | :emoji_sunrise: | |
Sunrise Over_mountains | :emoji_sunrise_over_mountains: | |
Suspension Railway | :emoji_suspension_railway: | |
Symbols | :emoji_symbols: | |
Synagogue | :emoji_synagogue: | |
Taurus | :emoji_taurus: | |
Taxi | :emoji_taxi: | |
Tent | :emoji_tent: | |
Thought Balloon | :emoji_thought_balloon: | |
Three | :emoji_three: | |
Tm | :emoji_tm: | |
Tokyo Tower | :emoji_tokyo_tower: | |
Top | :emoji_top: | |
Track Next | :emoji_track_next: | |
Track Previous | :emoji_track_previous: | |
Tractor | :emoji_tractor: | |
Traffic Light | :emoji_traffic_light: | |
Train | :emoji_train: | |
Train2 | :emoji_train2: | |
Tram | :emoji_tram: | |
Trident | :emoji_trident: | |
Trolleybus | :emoji_trolleybus: | |
Truck | :emoji_truck: | |
Twisted Rightwards_arrows | :emoji_twisted_rightwards_arrows: | |
Two | :emoji_two: | |
Two Hearts | :emoji_two_hearts: | |
U5272 | :emoji_u5272: | |
U5408 | :emoji_u5408: | |
U55b6 | :emoji_u55b6: | |
U6307 | :emoji_u6307: | |
U6708 | :emoji_u6708: | |
U6709 | :emoji_u6709: | |
U6e80 | :emoji_u6e80: | |
U7121 | :emoji_u7121: | |
U7533 | :emoji_u7533: | |
U7981 | :emoji_u7981: | |
U7a7a | :emoji_u7a7a: | |
Underage | :emoji_underage: | |
Up | :emoji_up: | |
Vertical Traffic_light | :emoji_vertical_traffic_light: | |
Vibration Mode | :emoji_vibration_mode: | |
Virgo | :emoji_virgo: | |
Volcano | :emoji_volcano: | |
Vs | :emoji_vs: | |
Warning | :emoji_warning: | |
Wavy Dash | :emoji_wavy_dash: | |
Wc | :emoji_wc: | |
Wedding | :emoji_wedding: | |
Wheel Of_dharma | :emoji_wheel_of_dharma: | |
Wheelchair | :emoji_wheelchair: | |
White Check_mark | :emoji_white_check_mark: | |
White Circle | :emoji_white_circle: | |
White Flower | :emoji_white_flower: | |
White Large_square | :emoji_white_large_square: | |
White Medium_small_square | :emoji_white_medium_small_square: | |
White Medium_square | :emoji_white_medium_square: | |
White Small_square | :emoji_white_small_square: | |
White Square_button | :emoji_white_square_button: | |
Womens | :emoji_womens: | |
X | :emoji_x: | |
Yellow Heart | :emoji_yellow_heart: | |
Yin Yang | :emoji_yin_yang: | |
Zero | :emoji_zero: | |
Emoji |
Angry | :angry: | |
Anguished | :anguished: | |
Astonished | :astonished: | |
Blush | :blush: | |
Cold Sweat | :coldsweat: | |
Confounded | :confounded: | |
Cry | :cry: | |
Crying Cat | :cryingcat: | |
Disappointed | :disappointed: | |
Disappointed but Relieved | :disrelieved: | |
Dizzy | :dizzy: | |
Expressionless | :expressionless: | |
Fear Scream | :fearscream: | |
Fearful | :fearful: | |
Flushed | :flushed: | |
Frowning | :frowning: | |
Grimacing | :grimacing: | |
Grin | :grin: | |
Grinning | :grinning: | |
Heart Eyes | :hearteyes: | |
Heart Eyes Cat | :hearteyecat: | |
Hushed | :hushed: | |
Imp | :imp: | |
Innocent | :innocent: | |
Joy Cat | :joycat: | |
Kissing | :kissing: | |
Kissing Cat | :kissingcat: | |
Kissing Eyes Closed | :kissingclosed: | |
Kissing Heart | :kissingheart: | |
Kissing Smiling | :kissingsmiling: | |
Laughing | :laughing: | |
Mask | :mask: | |
Neutral | :neutral: | |
No Mouth | :nomouth: | |
Open Mouth | :openmouth: | |
Pensive | :pensive: | |
Persevere | :persevere: | |
Pouting Cat | :poutingcat: | |
Rage | :rage: | |
Relaxed | :relaxed: | |
Relieved | :relieved: | |
Scream Cat | :screamcat: | |
Sleeping | :sleeping: | |
Sleepy | :sleepy: | |
Smile | :smile: | |
Smile Cat | :smilecat: | |
Smiley | :smiley: | |
Smiley Cat | :smileycat: | |
Smiling Imp | :smilingimp: | |
Smirk | :smirk: | |
Smirk Cat | :smirkcat: | |
Sob | :sob: | |
Sunglasses | :sunglasses: | |
Sweat | :sweat: | |
Sweat Smile | :sweatsmile: | |
Tears of Joy | :tearsofjoy: | |
Tired | :tired: | |
Tongue Closed Eyes | :tongueclosed: | |
Tongue Out | :tongueout: | |
Tongue Wink | :tonguewink: | |
Triumph | :triumph: | |
Unamused | :unamused: | |
Weary | :weary: | |
Wink | :wink: | |
Worried | :worried: | |
Yum | :yum: | |
Activity |
8ball | :8ball: | |
Art | :art: | |
Badminton | :badminton: | |
Baseball | :baseball: | |
Basketball | :basketball: | |
Basketball Player | :basketball_player: | |
Bath | :bath: | |
Bicyclist | :bicyclist: | |
Bow And_arrow | :bow_and_arrow: | |
Bowling | :bowling: | |
Cartwheel | :cartwheel: | |
Circus Tent | :circus_tent: | |
Clapper | :clapper: | |
Cricket | :cricket: | |
Dart | :dart: | |
Drum | :drum: | |
Field Hockey | :field_hockey: | |
Fishing Pole_and_fish | :fishing_pole_and_fish: | |
Football | :football: | |
Game Die | :game_die: | |
Golf | :golf: | |
Golfer | :golfer: | |
Guitar | :guitar: | |
Handball | :handball: | |
Headphones | :headphones: | |
Hockey | :hockey: | |
Horse Racing | :horse_racing: | |
Ice Skate | :emoji_ice_skate: | |
Juggling | :emoji_juggling: | |
Levitate | :emoji_levitate: | |
Lifter | :emoji_lifter: | |
Medal | :emoji_medal: | |
Microphone | :emoji_microphone: | |
Military Medal | :emoji_military_medal: | |
Mountain Bicyclist | :emoji_mountain_bicyclist: | |
Musical Keyboard | :emoji_musical_keyboard: | |
Musical Score | :emoji_musical_score: | |
Performing Arts | :emoji_performing_arts: | |
Ping Pong | :emoji_ping_pong: | |
Reminder Ribbon | :emoji_reminder_ribbon: | |
Rosette | :emoji_rosette: | |
Rowboat | :emoji_rowboat: | |
Rugby Football | :emoji_rugby_football: | |
Running Shirt_with_sash | :emoji_running_shirt_with_sash: | |
Saxophone | :emoji_saxophone: | |
Ski | :emoji_ski: | |
Skier | :emoji_skier: | |
Slot Machine | :emoji_slot_machine: | |
Snowboarder | :emoji_snowboarder: | |
Soccer | :emoji_soccer: | |
Space Invader | :emoji_space_invader: | |
Surfer | :emoji_surfer: | |
Swimmer | :emoji_swimmer: | |
Tennis | :emoji_tennis: | |
Ticket | :emoji_ticket: | |
Tickets | :emoji_tickets: | |
Trophy | :emoji_trophy: | |
Trumpet | :emoji_trumpet: | |
Video Game | :emoji_video_game: | |
Violin | :emoji_violin: | |
Volleyball | :emoji_volleyball: | |
Water Polo | :emoji_water_polo: | |
Wrestlers | :emoji_wrestlers: |