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A new slot machine bonus....

Discussion in 'Slot Machines' started by MGMSpringfield, Oct 18, 2024.

  1. MGMSpringfield

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    Played this at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, have never seen it before. An actual different bonus than hold and spin and accumulating bags. The bonus is a timed countdown as values move through the screen and need to align in a column of three to win. I found it pretty fun. Kudos for a new idea.

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  2. doughtaker

    doughtaker Bronze

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    It's definitely something new, but as a bonus round it feels boring. From the videos of this game that I've seen on Youtube, the player just watches orbs pass by, and 3 orbs aligned in the center may be captured and won. The only interaction the player has is to hit the button to start the timer when the bonus round begins and immediately following the capture of orbs.

    If the bonus had been set up so that the player must hit the button (or touch the screen) whenever orbs are properly aligned and then they will win the values of the captured orbs, then it would make for an interesting bonus. As this game currently is, I might try it once or twice but it's definitely not something that would be on my "must play" list.
  3. MGMSpringfield

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    I actually found it pretty exciting - maybe because it was unexpected to have a different style of bonus, but I think it was the clock winding down and the ability to land more seconds to add to the clock that made it a little more exciting.

    I'll definitely play it again, maybe I'll get bored with it but was nice to see something different.

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