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Carbone vs Scarpetta

Discussion in 'Restaurants and Eateries' started by bayoubengal, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
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    I’ll be taking my parents out to Vegas for their 50th anniversary and of course wanted to do at least one nicer dinner. I figure the “family style” of the dishes at Carbone would be perfect as we can share a little bit of everything. I’ve been to Carbone once or twice and loved it. Never been to Scarpetta. How do they compare? Menus seem similar as expected since they’re both high end Italian. We are staying at Cosmo so Identity points or possibility of comps is nice but the cost of the meal isn’t a concern. It’ll cost what it costs. Parents aren’t big drinkers so a better wine list doesn’t really matter. They’re easy to please when it comes to that. In a night out they might have just one or two for the night. Any opinions on one over the other?
    claired67 likes this.
  2. Elf70

    Elf70 Palladium
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    I’ve eaten at Carbone and Scarpetta a few times.

    My last visit to Carbone in June the food was fantastic - better than its ever been. (Except for the rubbery lobster pasta). We’ve always had extremely slow service at Carbone. I don’t know if that’s part of the Carbone experience or if we’ve just had bad luck server wise?? I also observed in June that Carbone was only about half full on a Friday night at a pretty popular dining time. The newness and hype must be over.

    My meals at Scarpetta have been good but not fantastic. No complaints but I usually end up choosing Zuma or Jaleo or Milos over Scarpetta at Cosmo.

    I’d choose Carbone over Scarpetta.
    bayoubengal likes this.
  3. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
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    Thank you for the Carbone v Scarpetta feedback. Exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for.

    Me and the gf are big Zuma fans. We hope to hit it up this trip when we send my parents to one of the various Elvis shows.

    Does Milos still have the lunch special for $20 and some change?
  4. Elf70

    Elf70 Palladium
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    Milos still has the lunch special. Jaleo also has a great lunch special. Unfortunately Jaleo recently changes their lunch special menu and the changes got rid of a few of my favorite items.
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  5. 44inarow

    44inarow Cool Story Bro

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    I think if you're going with a group then Carbone is preferable. I've always enjoyed Scarpetta, for sure. But I think that Carbone is better overall, and their main flaw is that they're not really conducive to dining either solo or with people who aren't going to be sharing food (for example, I don't eat beef, so the veal parm is off the table for me). If you're with a bunch of people, that issue is solved and I'd almost certainly go for Carbone.
    NickPappageorgio and bayoubengal like this.
  6. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
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    It’ll be four of us. No issues with dietary restrictions except maybe nitrates as dad has high BP. So it’s sounding like I’ll be keeping my Carbone reservation.
  7. Hard4

    Hard4 Gold

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    I like Scarpetta more than most people, but this is a no brainer - Carbone 100%
  8. undathesea

    undathesea Gold

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    I haven't been in years but I love Scarpetta. Definitely more than Giada.

    Not sure if Scott Conant still owns it, but their spaghetti plate is featured on the best things I ever ate on Food Network.

    They also used to have ribeye pasta that was awesome.
  9. ccndfw

    ccndfw Silver

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    This thread is older and I’m looking for more up to date info… which of these restaurants do you prefer? Or would you go somewhere else like Lago or Spago?
    bayoubengal likes this.
  10. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
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    Just went to Scarpetta a couple weeks ago. I enjoyed. But still would choose Carbone as the winner here though.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    44inarow and Tesla like this.
  11. r2644446

    r2644446 Silver

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    I have a solo resy at Carbone later this month do they do half portions if i want to try 6 or 7 entrees?
  12. KingJasonSlots

    Founding Fanatic

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    I’ve asked for half and they’ve said no to me as often I dine alone.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  13. BenCurly

    BenCurly Guest

    Thinking about Carbine as well - I grew up in a European neighborhood. I ate a lot of Noona’s food
  14. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
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    Finally went to Scarpetta again. Loved it. Brown butter short rib angolitti was really good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    vrak01 likes this.

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