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Cosmo Chelsea Penthouse

Discussion in 'Hotels' started by isl1985, May 30, 2023.

  1. isl1985

    isl1985 Bronze

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    Identity Platinum
    Probably winding down my stay/play at Cosmo once it becomes more MGM-ish, but want to hit Platinum status on the way out since I'm so close. Nabbing a 2 bedroom Chelsea Penthouse will push me over the finish line, but I'd love to hear some feedback about how people's stays have been. I love the balcony, but know that the 2 bedrooms may not have it (it is also July so not really a deal breaker). Anyone stayed there?
    AyDee likes this.
  2. Dmsorg

    Dmsorg Member

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    Never stayed in Chelsea. No balconies are dealbreaker for us. Doing wraparound first time for our next trip.

    Check out the bungalow for your tier maxing pleasure though. Balconies on each side. Private outdoor hot tubby thing. Usually a little more than penthouse.
  3. isl1985

    isl1985 Bronze

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    Identity Platinum
    I've requested one with a partial balcony, but that can't be guaranteed for the 2 bedrooms. The 3 bd all have them. I looked at Bungalows but really want to be as far away from the pool party noise/scene as possible. Would rather have the stellar view and love the look of the penthouse. Also the penthouse gets me to Plat no problem.

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