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Final round of The Masters

Discussion in 'Sports Book' started by undathesea, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. undathesea

    undathesea Gold

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    Player's Clubs:
    MLife - Gold
    Cosmo - Platinum
    Anyone ever watch the final round of The Masters at a Sports Book? Was planning to do so this year and didn't know if it gets crowded or not. I'm somewhat assuming it will be but I can't seem to book a seat at Cosmo sports book and therefore I'm assuming they're not expecting a crowd.

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  2. bayoubengal

    bayoubengal World's Worst VP Player
    Founding Fanatic

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    Cosmopolitan - Gold
    Downtown Grand - Silver
    The gf mentioned the same thing yesterday. She really enjoys the sports book when a big event is happening. Derby and March madness are the faves. I doubt they would’ve been expecting much of a crowd. But I thought the tables were available to book on the weekend regardless. During the week they appear to be first come first serve.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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