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Discussion in 'Hit and Run - Quick Trip Reports!' started by Canopy, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. Canopy

    Canopy Member

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    For those of you thinking of visiting The Tuscany Casino in Las Vegas, they are on high-alert for . . . something.
    Talk about paranoia, I will relate my recent visit there: On July 28, 2024, I entered the front door of the casino, where I was immediately confronted by security and treated like a criminal suspect (I had no prior history with security there). They wanted to inspect my backpack for no good reason. I was simply attending the coin show there so had valuable coins and personal items I didn't want 'inspected'. I asked the guard if he also checked purses and he admitted "No". I pointed out that whatever he was looking for could easily be hidden in a purse as well so it's pointless to check one and not the other. I also pointed out that people are walking around with luggage and bags as well that aren't being examined. The logic was too deep for him, so he stubbornly insisted. So I finally said "Ok, I'll just go back to my car and empty my backpack and put the contents into my pants and jacket pockets (which they weren't checking btw) at my inconvenience. When I returned, he then wanted to check my ID! Why? So I politely declined and left to find a direct entrance to the coin show where I wouldn't be subject to such treatment. There was no separate entrance so I started walking to my car to leave. Then 2 security guards started following me to my car so they could record my license plate and threatened to "trespass" me. Really? For what? For going to my car? For wanting to go to the coin show?
    Keep in mind the following points:
    1. At that casino I did not see them check any bags, boxes, luggage or purses, only backpacks as though those are the only devices that can hide anything bad. That's just plain irrational discrimination. If they did a complete body/baggage scan (like at the courts and airports), then I could see the utility, but this was just ridiculous harrassment.
    2. Anybody with anything 'dangerous' could simply return to their car, and transfer that 'danger' to their jacket pocket and not be searched and achieve whatever nefarious crime they wanted to commit. Problem solved.
    3. No other casino I know engages in such paranoid activity and people enter and roam freely about with their bags, boxes, luggage, purses AND backpacks without incident.
    4. I wrote to the Tuscany manager that week and so far haven't received an explanation, apology, or anything (which concedes my point and tells me a lot about their Public Relations).
    Just a fair warning what to expect if you decide to visit their 'fun' gambling establishment.
    Viva Las Vegas likes this.
  2. CherriesJubilee

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    Well, we don't know their side of the story, so it's not really possible to pass judgement. As for asking for ID--pretty sure casinos can do that to verify people are 21+.
  3. tringlomane

    tringlomane Theoretical Video Poker Addict
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    I guess we'll let you join...
    Circa does it for everyone who enters, regardless of age.

    Now the one time that we entered Tuscany, they did not check ID, nor did we interact with any employee.

    This summarizes our first visit to Tuscany.

    grandpa-abe-exit (1).gif
    UKFanatic likes this.
  4. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    I am bewildered by your reaction to this. Just let them search your bag. They have a right to search it, it's private property and idk why the word discrimination appeared in your rant. I had my ID checked a lot the last time I was in Vegas, no biggie.

    As for other casinos, I know on high-traffic days, I HAVE gotten my purse checked at some casinos in Vegas and in Oklahoma casinos, bags are always checked. And yeah, I get that luggage is exempt from this, which doesn't make a ton of sense but it certainly isn't security's fault. They are just told what to search. Not sure why they gave you that in the parking lot, but I wasn't there so can't comment.

    I just don't know what the big deal is, you go through far more scrutiny at the airport so this should be NBD. And if they were on high alert for...something as you say, then you should be glad they are looking in peoples bags.
    tringlomane and NickPappageorgio like this.
  5. NickPappageorgio

    NickPappageorgio ¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?
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    Agree with this. It sounds as if you were somewhat confrontational and quite possibly pulled the "I know my rights" card which typically has the unfortunate side-effect of getting security pissed off at you. Like Campie I wasn't there so I cannot comment too much on the specifics, but reading your account I really don't fault security for not wanting to put up with you. Given the things you admitted to saying then I cannot really blame them for taking a dim view of your presence at their property.

    My guess, since this was a rare and valuable coin show, they were taking extra security precautions as a theft prevention measure. Were I an exhibitor there I would be thankful for that.
    dahammer and tringlomane like this.
  6. sparkydog

    sparkydog Palladium
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    One and only post on this board and this is it? I get where security is coming from.
    dahammer, Tesla, campie1988 and 3 others like this.

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