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High(er) limit fun slots at Caesar's properties?

Discussion in 'Slot Machines' started by Bradleyvegas, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. Bradleyvegas

    Bradleyvegas Silver

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    Hi- I LOVE playing the newer, fun, large screen, bonus giving type of slots that many have come to like on this board. However, id like to play them above the 1c demon.

    Examples: newer Buffalo grand/gold games, Wonder tower games, newer Wonka games, Walking Dead 2, GoT, Simpsons, etc

    I always see great videos (example the Aaron 10c denom Buffalo gold 36$ a spin) at places like Cosmo and MGM props, and I'll definitely visit those and give them my business, but for this trip I'm going on next week...

    I am wondering- does anyone recall seeing any of the above listed slot machines available at higher limit than just 1c in ANY Caesar's property? I would be so happy if I could just find 5c demon Buffalo gold even.

    Much appreciated! Note - I did try to use the slot finder on the Caesar's website and it errors out when searching above 1c and just returns the same 1c results with an error message.
  2. Chuck

    Chuck Palladium
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    I can't say for sure because I don't play pennies a lot, but I've played a few of those machines very occasionally and they almost always can go to at least 2 cents. I think chances are that the units are probably the same everywhere, and so if you see Aaron playing a Buffalo machine at 10 cents, the available denoms on the unit are probably .01 / .02 / .05 / .10 and they're probably the same everywhere.

    I play more older video slots like Cleo II, and typically those are configured as either .01 / .02 / .05 / .10 or .25 / .50 / 1.00 / (and sometimes) 2.00 except for the really really old ones that have a single fixed denom, and in HL rooms where the lowest denom is 1.00

    Press the denom amount on the screen and it should display the available denoms.

    I don't count on the CET slot finder to be accurate except maybe for purposes of determining whether they've got one of the newest games. I'd guess they'd want to keep up on that aspect, but are worse at deleting old games when they get removed, or representing denoms accurately.
  3. Bradleyvegas

    Bradleyvegas Silver

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    Thanks- I wish you were right. I've always tried to hit the denom and change it, but sadly, every machine at Caesar's I've ever tried on (50+) is coded and stuck to 1c denom. The Aaron situation and changing the denom im familiar with at Cosmo or MGM; im also looking for a similar machine at Caesar's!

    I do understand it won't be fixed at 5c permanently.
  4. Chuck

    Chuck Palladium
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    Interesting, good info. That really surprises me. I'll have to check that out next time I'm at PH, maybe a slot attendant would know why they don't have multi-denom on those huge machines.
  5. JeJas

    JeJas Platinum
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    I can confirm what Chuck said, at least on the Buffalo Gold I played and got a handpay at CP,
    you can change the denom.
  6. Bradleyvegas

    Bradleyvegas Silver

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    Awesome thanks - mainly play other Caesar's props than CP itself so I'll check it this week when in Vegas. Was this machine on the floor or HL?
  7. JeJas

    JeJas Platinum
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    on the floor
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  8. Jimbo4fun

    Jimbo4fun Silver

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    Planet Hollywood has a few in their HL room. Nickel Asian themed games (I think 88 fortunes) and 2 lightning link games that go up to a dollar.
    Bradleyvegas likes this.
  9. Niteshade

    Niteshade Palladium
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    Planet Hollywood, Cromwell, CP, Rio are some of the ones I have changed
    on LLink. The ones by the door at Cromwell go from .01 to 1.00 that I saw.
    Pretty sure the one I played at PH also did that. I know Caesar's has several
    that do that - I played that Dragon machine that is in the section where the
    Seahorse used to be and it definitely changes. Planet H also has several up
    front by the Total Rewards desk that change denominations. I think I saw some
    at Harrah's when we were there in Feb.
    Bradleyvegas likes this.
  10. Niteshade

    Niteshade Palladium
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    Yep this was Harrahs by the entrance from Linq
    Bradleyvegas likes this.
  11. Niteshade

    Niteshade Palladium
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    CET 7-Star, MLife Pearl, Grazie Gold, Boyd Sapphire
    Bradleyvegas likes this.
  12. DK528

    DK528 Platinum
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    Paris has a bank of HL LL games on the floor. I don't know the property well enough to tell of where it is but it's located close to the outer walls rather than in the center of the casino ... somewhere.
    Tessa QC and Bradleyvegas like this.
  13. Goldenknight

    Goldenknight Palladium

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    I like the Paris HL room. There's a nice variety of HL VP, reel slots, and popular penny slots at high denominations.

    Edit: it's over in the corner by the entrance to Gordon Ramsay's steak place
    #13 Goldenknight, Mar 13, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
    Bradleyvegas and Niteshade like this.
  14. MatthewNL

    MatthewNL Silver

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    Cromwell high limit room is great!
    Bradleyvegas likes this.
  15. bodegha

    bodegha Bronze
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    Reviving old thread. Goldenknight, you say you like Paris HL, I haven’t been in there this year. Is it still on your like list? We are staying at Paris for the first time for 5 nights and was wondering what the Board thinks about the casino. I like Ceasars HL, probably more to do with winning some there, but the wife and I decided to stay someplace different. 5 nights is a long time in the same hotel- we didn’t break it up between strip and downtown this time. Needed some down time, and at my age I’d rather spend days drinking at casinos, playing VP, instead of on the beach. My wife will play craps when I’m at vp machines, but we play HL slots together.
    Also near end of the year, any suggestions on HL rooms for this year? Thanks.
    #15 bodegha, Nov 5, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  16. Goldenknight

    Goldenknight Palladium

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    I didn't stop by my visit last week, but I was last there in May and still enjoyed. It's not huge, but it's got a good variety of video slots, reels, and HL VP. Drink service has always been good for me there too
  17. dvandentop

    dvandentop Chairman
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    The hl room at Paris has a pretty cool selection of different oddball games.

    Cromwell has the megavault $1 denom
  18. bodegha

    bodegha Bronze
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    Thanks, good to hear about the drink service. I do like the reels, but it’s funny that I’ve been doing really well of late on the oddball games. And I’ll walk over to Cromwell to hit the mega vault so you mentioned it.
  19. dvandentop

    dvandentop Chairman
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    yeah Paris has some good 50 Cent denomination and quarter denomination Konami games that can pay huge as well so at least they aren't all just dollar denomination that you can lose on fast

    They have a pretty decent selection of video slots in there

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