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MGM Rewards - Locals Experience

Discussion in 'M life - MGM' started by mkusler, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. mkusler

    mkusler Bronze

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    I am curious about the experience of other Vegas locals that play at MGM properties.

    I used to get treated very well by MGM prior to movong here, but now that I have been here for three years, despite tripling my coin-in and substantially increasing my tier credits through dining, drinks, etc. I basically get nothing for it.

    I typically do about 200K coin-in a year and end with about 300-350K tier credits.

    Putting aside the fact that earning points/slot dollars is worthless, I can barely get a comp room at low end property.

    What gives? Is this a common experience or did I piss someone off? Ha!

    I do about double the above at Circa and about 6 times that at the M and they treat me so very nice. I guess I just need to breakup with MGM, but was curious if any other locals get the shaft too.
  2. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Very common experience. MGM, and many others, have long coded offers for locals at a lower level than those out of market. As you mentioned, your offers were better before having a local address on file.

    Not saying I 100% agree with it, but the gambling industry has always viewed out of market tourists as a better target. When you fly into Vegas, and stay with them. You "should" be on the hook for your stay. Which is typically a few nights. Meals, shows, shopping, clubs and gambling. When you are local, you are much more inclined to drop by. Not eat 3 meals on site. Wont shop or pay for shows during your stay. And usually locals dont gamble as much, for as long, as those on vacation.

    They really need to tempt players to fly in and commit to a vacation. Someone that lives 30 minutes down the road, not so much. So offers have always been weighted.

    You mention your coin in has increased. Offers are not made in aggregate. $200K coin in over two 4day 3night trips, is $100K per trip. That is $25K coin per day, but most everyone takes "trip" for offers now.

    And the per trip theo is the basis of your offers. If you are local, and now do a couple drop in visits at an MGM casino every month. That is 24 days with an average of around $8K. Still good play, but a lot less as my 1st example.
    tringlomane and mkusler like this.
  3. mkusler

    mkusler Bronze

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    While I agree with you regarding the facts of how they calculate things, I just can't help but laugh with how short-sighted it is as it doesn't capture the true picture of someone and their spend. Putting aside all the various calculations, the point is that I spend far more at their properties (gambling, dining, entertaining, etc.) living here, then I ever did when I was traveling here.

    But now that it is clear after talking with two hosts that since I live here apparently my money isn't as valuable. As a result, I will no longer gamble there and I will do my best not to dine or drink at their properties.... as much as I can avoid it.

    It just seems silly that they would rather lose a consistent customer of 15+ years because they can't throw a few simple perks my way, which are far less than I received in years past while spending far less money. simply because my address changed. Again, looking at the big picture it is simply a net loss for them.

    I even shared my win/loss statements from the M and Circa with them and told them if I could get a few perks I would shift the play over and they simply don't care. I guess I'm more amazed at how they view established customers overall and don't seem to practice any longer-term thinking.

    Ohh well....preaching to the choir I suppose. I guess breaking up with MGM is kinda like the end of an era, but there is simply zero incentive gambling there anymore. But I know who will coming knocking on my door once casino profits inevitably start to dip again. Ha!

    Thanks for listening to me vent!
    Grid! and Elf70 like this.
  4. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    I totally get it! That's why I said, not that I 100% agree with it but... We are all just math. And their (and every other non-locals driven casino) analytics show this is the best way to do things. For every player like you that they lose, they save on players that do take advantage.

    Using me as an example. I just booked an offer at a Strip hotel that came with $1K in free play. My offer is good for any stay for the next 60 days. Then I get a new offer code, which is still the same. You have to allow 4 days in between stays to use it again. But if I was a local, I could just burn them by booking it twice a week, every week, for 8 weeks. That is $16,000 in free play. I could convert and leave. Sure, they might figure it out sooner than 60 days. And 100% my offers would go away during the next cycle. But I could then pull the scam on the next non-locals casino that was sending me a "tourist" based offer.

    And not being combative at all. But your Win/loss would be mostly useless to another casino. Like I pointed out already, they don't look at such things in aggregate. MGM would have no way of knowing if you did $100K (or whatever you show) in one night. Or in total over 50 drop in visits through out all of 2023.
    tringlomane likes this.
  5. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    For what its worth, I have had the reverse happen to me in Vegas. I stayed at Green Valley Ranch once, and played pretty solid. As much or more than I do on the Strip. And my offers were just horrible compared to my Strip offers. I asked my host there why, and that I wouldn't waste 3 nights out of my next trip, for 25% of the comp value I get staying elsewhere in town. And she said their offers cater to the more frequent guests. And that the overall value is higher than the Strip, when you consider the weekly dining credits, weekly slot tournaments, weekly gifts, weekly raffles, weekly points multipliers ETC.

    A bunch of smaller things to encourage you to drop in and play more frequently. Add all of those up, and its a better overall return for your play. But someone like me flying in from Chicago, simply couldn't take advantage of all those to get any value out of it. I couldn't show up on Monday/Wednesday/Friday to collect each piece of my frying pan set I had offers for LOL

    They don't cater to out of town players. I am sure they have weighted offers some for OOT. Given me slightly better than their locals in certain categories. But still not as good as the Strip, which comps me as a tourist that will be confined to their property for at least 3 days. And needs to entice me over their competition, that is doing the same.
    tringlomane likes this.
  6. VegasMonkey

    VegasMonkey the pleepleus
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    Confirmed that MGM hates locals. My offers were wiped away once they had the local address on file. The only exception is Cosmo (For now) as they give weekly free play and a food/bev credit. M and Stations are definitely local friendly with their offers.
    tringlomane, 44inarow and JazzBaby85 like this.
  7. KimiCoconuts

    KimiCoconuts Platinum
    Founding Fanatic

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    I recently spoke to my host about this and she confirmed they treat locals terribly. If I were local I would definitely leave MGM and go elsewhere, at least after I used up my ridiculous accumulated comps.
    JeJas likes this.

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