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November '23 Group Trip Report - Thankful for Vegas Visits

Discussion in 'Full Las Vegas Trip Reports' started by Suekel, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. NickPappageorgio

    NickPappageorgio ¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?
    VIP Pledge Member Founding Fanatic 2018 March Madness Winner

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    I've never tired the steakhouse at M but the Italian restaurant is pretty good, as is the burgher place there. The only thing I've had from the Vig is their breakfast sandwich and that was really good.

    Nice trip Fraygul. Safe travels.
  2. fraygul

    fraygul Bingo Nerd

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    I’m home. Tired. Trying to rehydrate. Omg i need more trips like that one. Weeeeeee!!!
    MNSlotLover, Mr2BOBCATS, clr and 9 others like this.
  3. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    Since nothing says “Thanksgiving” quite like a gluttonous Wicked Spoon lunch, followed by hours of bartop gambling and cocktails, I’ll be heading out to Vegas in a few days for 5 nights at Cosmo! My cousin, who hasn’t been to Vegas in over 2 years, will be joining me for a few days, and we will be heading out on Thanksgiving morning. It’s probably gong to be the usual hours on end of gambling and cocktails at Chandelier, and we plan on checking out Postcard from Earth at the Sphere, enjoying China Poblano, Wicked Spoon, and some of the usual favorites at Cosmo, and perhaps the occasional excursion to other properties. I may start out strong with TR updates only to trail off as the trip progresses, as often happens, but I’ll try my best!

    It looks like @Mr2BOBCATS will be arriving on the 26th, so hopefully I’ll have a chance to say hi to him, and who knows…we may end up enjoying a few Ligers at Chandy!

    I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it back before February, so this may well be my last trip before Cosmo transitions to MGM Rewards (boo!). That said, I’m looking forward to enjoying the Cosmo Escalade airport transportation at least one more time before I’m demoted to a much lesser MGM Rewards tier come February. Based on the Identity tier points I’ve earned / will earn this year, combined with MGM Rewards tier credits I’ve accumulated this year from my MGM Rewards credit card and BetMGM sportsbook account, I’m probably going to just barely squeeze into MGM Rewards Gold status for 2024, although the “benefits” are a far cry from what many of us have enjoyed at Platinum tier with Identity.

    Anyway, MGM Rewards doom and gloom aside, the trip is less than a week away and I’m ready to go!
    #43 YOleven, Nov 17, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  4. kleland69

    kleland69 Silver
    Founding Fanatic

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    48 hours to go before airborne. This will be our first trip back since February. It has been an exhausting 9 months, and I am so ready to be there. Got diagnosed for breast cancer valentines day, then surgery and radiation, no chemo, thank goodness. I had my follow-up mammogram in October and am cancer free!!!! Just have to take a pill every day (which I constantly forget, even with an alarm). I do eventually remember to take just not at the same time every day, but i do take it every day. But all is good. We will be there Monday through Friday, with Thanksgiving dinner at lemongrass. My son and a friend of his decided to join us this trip. The friend will be experiencing many firsts this trip, lol. First plane ride, first time out of the state of Virginia, first time in Vegas (obviously), first limo ride. He doesn't really gamble too much, if at all, but as we all know, there is more to vegas than that. We will be staying at luxor as I get the most bang for my buck in terms of comps there. It is very hard to turn down a bigger resort credit just to stay at aria or bellagio. Other than Thanksgiving dinner, we don't have much else planned except to show the new kid around. I do love seeing vegas through new eyes, makes me appreciate it even more. Can't say how much i will update, as vegas usually takes over for me. Good luck to everyone who will be in town, and happy holidays!!!

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  5. Sparky4

    Sparky4 Silver

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    Congratulations @kleland69 on being cancer free! Have a great trip!
  6. Yankees4ever31

    Founding Fanatic

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    sounds like you had a rough year like me. Five surgeries since February and I’m finally healed up and ready for Vegas in December. Enjoy yourself, you definitely deserve it!
  7. kleland69

    kleland69 Silver
    Founding Fanatic

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    Total Rewards, Mlife, Grazie
    Sorry to hear about the surgeries. Glad you are healed up. Sounds like you deserve a vegas vacation too! Hope the time until then goes fast for you.

    Sent from my SM-T738U using Tapatalk
  8. fraygul

    fraygul Bingo Nerd

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    glad youre doing well. Have a great trip! You definitely deserve a great one.
    My trick to remember my meds is one of those daily planner pill things and i keep it in front of the sugar etc for my morning coffee. Then i can check if i remembered to take it when i get my second and third and 4th coffee. When it was in the jars i couldnt remember. The organizer helped a ton
  9. kleland69

    kleland69 Silver
    Founding Fanatic

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    We arrived and it felt so good to be back. Gambling was up and down and then just down, we managed a little over 5k in coin in, with a 1k loss. But I am not upset about that, I had fun that's all that matters lol. We ate dinner at diablos, and that was the worst meal I have ever had anywhere. The best I can say is that it was edible. I remember back when they were at Monte Carlo ( parkmgm for all you young whipersnappers), the food was good, and the portions were huge. Diablos took everything that was good about itself and threw that out the window. The service was fine, but the food just rates at edible, and it was expensive. So if you ever get the chance to eat at diablos, pass on that. Sorry for the rant, and I know I probably should have known better, but lesson learned and I will just walk or Uber the extra way to get the good stuff lol. Today is a new day, just ticking down the clock until 6 am to reset the gambling day. Today is downtown day on our schedule, so looking forward to Saginaw deli at circa, miss those corned beef sandwiches and maybe some soup too. If you get a chance to eat there, please do. Their pickles are made fresh, and they taste like it too. Also might eat at 8 east, very good food there also. Good luck every one, TTYL

    Sent from my SM-T738U using Tapatalk
    Princess191, vrak01, fraygul and 14 others like this.
  10. MNSlotLover

    MNSlotLover Ainsworth Whisperer
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    Hate hearing about bad dining experiences.....so many choices, you really want them all to be enjoyable. Sounds like you'll definitely be in better hands today! Best of luck the rest of the way!
  11. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    Some people get up early on Thanksgiving morning to get the turkey going, others to fly to Vegas. Thankfully, I’m in the latter category this morning. Let’s go!!!

  12. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    Will this be my last airport pickup in a Cosmo vehicle? Probably :(. But no matter….we’re here!

  13. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    Definitely apropos this trip to raise a glass to Karen. @Royal Flusher, many of us have greatly enjoyed the tales of the many trips you made to Vegas with Karen that were so eloquently and comically chronicled in your trip reports. We’re all still very sorry for your loss and hope that when the time is right you’ll be able to enjoy another Vegas trip again. Cheers!

    BTW, I checked with @Royal Flusher, and he told me that Jameson would be the appropriate choice :)

  14. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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  15. Foofighter

    Foofighter Silver
    Founding Fanatic

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    Well done sir, well done.
  16. Mr2BOBCATS

    Mr2BOBCATS Palladium

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    Identity Gold
    A little pre-game action at the local on a Thursday night with the Mrs


    We left immediately after. That major was around $740 and we left up $400 on the night so it wasn’t going well but it ended well. First LL major in a long time for me. Love that $1.25 bet to hit them. The grand on these at our local is over $28k now too. Crazy.
  17. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    After a wonderful Wicked Spoon lunch this afternoon, the room was ready and we decided to take it easy for a bit and catch the rest of the Commanders / Cowboys from the room. Headed back down to do some slotting around, and I had some decent bonuses on Lucky Hog!


    We stopped by Chandy to play for a bit, but no familiar bartenders were on this evening as many of our favorite regulars have taken the day or the week off. Chandy was much slower than I expected for a holiday, so we’ll see if things pick up tomorrow on Friday night. I also heard that one of my favorite on call bartenders Todd, who covered many evening shifts at Chandy, has since moved to a full time position at the new LPM Restaurant here at Cosmo. It sounds like many of the on call bartenders have changed shifts and/or assignments recently on account of the drink robots being installed in the service bars and the seniority of the full time bartenders who were displaced by the robots, or something along those lines.

    After a long day of travel, we decided to call it an early night. Looking forward to some rest and the first full day in Vegas tomorrow!

  18. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    Happy Black Friday to those who celebrate :)

    After a good night’s rest, we’re up early today and, after a quick bite, hope to go shopping for some 5 spots and royal flushes!

  19. YOleven

    YOleven Palladium

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    With many of our favorite bartenders out yesterday, it’s great to see a very familiar face in HL. Good morning, Grant! Why yes, I’d love to have a Veuve :)

  20. Lousyatcraps

    Lousyatcraps Not Lousyatslots

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    This game sucks

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