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Recap of my Jan "Side to Side" cruises

Discussion in 'Non Vegas Trip Reports' started by campie1988, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. chico7800

    chico7800 Platinum

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    Oh. So Royal cut it too. Miss turn down and it’s a pain to go buffet to get ice.

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  2. undathesea

    undathesea Gold

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    I don't think that's true. We cruise the Haven once a year and our room has always had daily cleaning and turn-down service. In fact, we see our room steward at least daily in the hallway where our room is located. At least that was the case as of last March. We sail the Prima in a month and I'll know more then.
  3. djvcr

    djvcr Silver

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    Haven on NCL and Suites on RCCL both still have 2x daily service. RCCL outside of suites is down to 1x service, can coordinate time of day you prefer. I haven't sailed NCL in a while. My last cruise before pandemic on NCL I must have lost more than I remember cause after the restart I booked a cruise to Bermuda from NY and they gave me a 2 Bedroom Haven Suite. I made it to Platinum Plus on NCL as they used to be my primary, but I switched to RCCL about 10 years ago as I find their casino program comps to be more transparent and you earn free cruises on the current sailing based on play and there are tons of mailers all year long. If you sail with someone regularly and both earn balcony certificates you can combine them for a free Jr. Suite. The upgrade to a Grand Suite on the Oasis ships is usually only 1-2K at most but you get full suite privileges including free internet and private dining. I am now Diamond Plus on RCCL, kinda wish I didn't start on NCL as I would be over half way to Pinnacle already. On NCL you can still get some good comps but you never know what you will be offered and you have to pick a few choices and ask for a bunch of quotes vs RCCL the offer is explicit in the mailer or earned certificate.

    Next sailing is Symphony Of The Seas on March 3rd. I know casino hold is pretty tight on ships but I generally don't do that horrible (except when I lost like 8K playing Wonder 4 Boost Gold without a single hand pay on a trip.) I almost feel like Vegas is tighter these days and cruising is so much easier from east coast vs flying to Vegas.
    Lousyatcraps likes this.
  4. djvcr

    djvcr Silver

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    @campie1988 ... I forget if you have done an Oasis class ship. All of my cruises have been Oasis class except I did 2 on Anthem Of The Seas. I am doing Independence Of The Seas in May to Bermuda. How is smoke on the smaller ship vs Oasis which is pretty large casino and the smoking side is 1/2 the casino and has generally good ventilation on the non-smoking side.
  5. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    Just having got off the Harmony, it was pretty smoky. I don't really notice a huge difference. They DO have a NS room on Harmony but it is TINY, packed, and hardly any tables.
  6. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    I did read something interesting about how all cruiselines who are members of CLIA have to abide by Nevada gaming regulations. I will say I do decent on a cruise and terrible in Vegas lol

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