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Resorts World "Its not you, its me"

Discussion in 'Comps - General Comp Discussion' started by Grid!, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    I think my blind loyalty towards Resorts World is working against me now. I had some great teaser offers last year, as RW was still looking for player. But like any degen would, i actually booked said offer and played with them. Just like marriage. Once they hook you, no need to put out!

    BUT, I played well. Or so I thought!

    It looked like my offers went up from $1,000 free play and $200 resort credit, to $1200 free play (same resort credit). Since that is what it showed on the mailer.

    But in the fine print, it now says "Sept $600 free play and $100 resort credit" "Oct $600 free play and $100 resort credit". The amounts on the mailer were just in aggregate. Unlike the prior ones.

    From my 2023 play, my 2024 offer that I booked earlier in the year was that $1000 + $200. I did 75,401 tier credits over those 2 days I stayed there. That's just over $25,000 coin in.

    From that play, my offers stayed the same for July/Aug. $1K + $200. My last trip in July was also 2 days of play. And I did 81,909 tier credits. Which is over $27,000 in coin. So my play went up, but my offers were cut in half.

    I know offers can go down during prime months, when its cooler and more people go to Vegas. Or even during F1 or March Madness. But that is a big chop. Maybe they are tightening things up, with that big lawsuit they are looking at from the Feds?

    Anyone else take a hit?
  2. KingJasonSlots

    Founding Fanatic

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    My offer is 1500/250 and it has never changed. I average 30-50k coin a day. I have some other friends who gamble a pretty impressive amount and they are stuck on $750. Your offer seems reasonable and borderline good compared to a lot of others (who may play higher than you and are being given seemingly less).

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  3. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    For sure they were good offers. Which is why I was staying/playing with them every trip the past 2 years. But I got an official answer from their loyalty desk. You might be seeing a cut back soon as well. It looks like they are going by groups.

    "We did start making cuts to players' offers in the fall due to very high reinvestment percentages. This is the main effect of why he saw his offers decrease. He has stayed in the same worth group throughout the year."
  4. tringlomane

    tringlomane Theoretical Video Poker Addict
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    I guess we'll let you join...
    Sounds like they have moved beyond the "we're desperate to get anyone in the door" phase. It's unfortunate for people that want to max out comps though.

    But I'm impressed with the transparent response.

    I wonder how many will jump ship now. They have to compete with FB now too.
    JeJas and Grid! like this.
  5. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Either moved on, since they have enough players in the stable now. Or can no longer afford to keep doing it. Whose to say. It will certainly change my staying habits. If they give me what everyone else already gives me. But everyone else means I wont be staying on an island in no mans land. Well, thats something for me to think on.
    tringlomane and campie1988 like this.
  6. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    Yeah, the location has made it undesirable to me, even though the rooms/property are very nice. We never rent a car when in Vegas and I like to walk around the strip and people watch and such.
  7. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Player's Clubs:
    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    For sure, which is why it took an over-comp for me to stay there. To be fair, I like the casino and the slots seem fair IMO. Certainly it seems, for Strip standards.

    The only time their location is a plus for me. Is when I have my kids, and they want to do the Adventuredome next door. Proximity to Circus Circus is good, as we can easily go yet not HAVE to stay in that dump.

    But I assume less than 1% of Resorts Worlds clients view that as a plus!
    tringlomane, campie1988 and Elf70 like this.
  8. Chuck

    Chuck Palladium
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    Yeah it does sound like they are just plain old tightening.

    For contrast, the FP I get from MGM has historically been right around 10% of theo. My CET FP is a wayyy lower percentage.

    MGM's "feels" fair, but I don't have a lot to compare it to recently, because I've only been staying at MGM and CET joints for the past several years. But when I did stay at other places, my recollection is that MGM's FP was always the highest given the same amount of play.

    So $27,000 coin-in, let's be generous and say you were playing slots with 15% holds, that's $4,050 in theo and 10% (MGM's FP rate) of that would be $405.

    So I'd say $600 is not bad, but obviously it's a drastic cut.
  9. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    As someone who is a lower-end player with MGM for the past 5+ years they are pretty fair (well, as much as a casino can be), especially if you also cruise with their partner, Royal. I've never had such fairness at CET. As for downtown properties, Golden Nugget is very fair, surprisingly. I have never spent much money there (less than 300.00 per visit playing tables), but if I want a room during non-peak times, I can usually get it. I have also heard Plaza is pretty good but I haven't experienced this firsthand.
    Grid! and Chuck like this.
  10. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    They admitted to tightening. "We did start making cuts to players' offers in the fall due to very high reinvestment percentages" They only copped to that, after I made this post. Well, I mean i found out afterwards. I don't think they have anyone reading our nonsense on here. MGM has always been my barometer of offers in Vegas. I play the same slots, the same way, across any property.

    Right now, MGM has me pegged at $600 in free play + $350 in resort credit. But the rooms I can get at MGM joints, are better than what I can talk my way into at Resorts World. My host has to tap my backend theo, and front me the Conrad suite. Which is nice. But MGM will give me a 3,000 SQFT suite at Bellagio, with a damn pool table! And I don't even have to ask a host for it.

    When I have asked around, free play & resort credit is generally 20-25% of trip theo. Which I shoot myself in the foot with, as I don't spend more than 2 nights at any one property. So my trip never really lasts past a couple days. My Theo, per my host, is around $3700. 25% of that is $925.

    But still, MGM is $950 in upfront comps. Resorts World was $1,200. But now $700 ($600 + $100). I'm not saying RW is unfair, but certainly not what they were offering.

    I haven't stayed/played with CET in Vegas in a long, long time. For sure, my play doesn't go as far. I know its long been rumored that they are the tightest slots. But in my history, they most certainly are. So thats a ding against me staying with them. But my offers were down right shit, compared to what others give me in town. And I mean, not even close. $10K coin per day, and I'd get around $700 between resort credit and free play at Cosmo (back in the day), MGM and even Treasure Island. CET would be like $150 free play and nothing else, besides a typical room.
  11. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    I don't love CET properties either, although I think Paris and PH have potential, but CET doesn't really capitalize on it. Maybe with the new tower at Paris that will change. I have also heard horror stories about checking into a CET property (Taking a loooong time and such) and I do not have much patience for that. I have a friend who is totally devoted to CET properties and play and I just don't get it. She gambles at a higher level than me and gets sh*t. She only plays slots, is Diamond Plus or something, and barely gets her room comped during the weekdays at lower end CET properties. You would think that it might be because she wins at CET but noooo, she typically is like me, pouring it down the drain. Wild.

    Sad to hear that about RW, do you think this will hurt them later on or do they have enough loyal bigger players to see them through?
    Grid!, Viva Las Vegas and tringlomane like this.
  12. chico7800

    chico7800 Platinum

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    Literally only reason it and fb are on my radar

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  13. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    I used to stay at a CET joint each trip as well years ago. I loved that I could casino hop, which is a big plus for me. Caesars Palace used to be so much better, but they took out a good third of their slots now. I do like Paris, but they lost a lot of slots as well. Most all of the older IGT games are gone. And its hard to find any older mechanical slots. I just couldn't take all the losing with CET. Which is the main reason why I looked elsewhere.

    And yes, I do think cutting back on comps is going to hurt RW. Even if they aren't cutting back, to the point where they are lower than "like" properties. But the only reason I stayed there, is because they gave me more for my play. If all they are going to do, is give me the same as Bellagio, Cosmo or Aria. Well, I will just stay/play at Bellagio, Cosmo or Aria. And be right in the middle of the action.

    I am sure FB opening up across the street has sucked business away from them. And that is why they are cutting back. But in reality, they should be offering more to retain players during all that IMO. Speaking for myself, I already had a trip booked with them which I will honor. But they will lose me, since the comp value isn't there any more. Well, compared to what I sacrifice to stay with them (location)

    Viva Las Vegas and campie1988 like this.
  14. campie1988

    campie1988 Platinum

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    When I was in Vegas a few weeks ago, when I was up at that end of the strip, I decided it's just TOO far away for me to really consider FB/Resorts World so I am not going to play there when I go back in a few. Wynn is also kind of pushing it but the rooms are super nice so maybe if they have nice rates during the week sometime, I might do it. I have never stayed at Venetian so I may try to status match there and play some there to see if they send me a teaser offer.
    Viva Las Vegas likes this.
  15. sparkydog

    sparkydog Palladium
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    The only reason I ventured to RW and FB is to get away from the crowds in the middle especially in front of Planet Hollywood. Wynn, Fontainebleau and Resorts World are close together so I've been staying at that end on my recent trips. On the RW cutting back on offers their convention crowd has taken over and they are getting lots of business from that source not to mention convention goers tend to stick on property and spend money there. When I first stayed at Resorts World it wasn't busy at all but last trip in June it was packed all 3 nights on the casino floor with people wearing convention/ conference ID tags on lanyards.
    Viva Las Vegas likes this.
  16. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Wynn doesn't seem to have the same "island" feel of being removed as RW, and I'd image FB has. Wynn is just a pedestrian bridge away from Palazzo, which is a very dynamic property in its own right. As its connected to Venetian. Wynn is also connected directly to Encore. So you have a solid string of great properties linking you to the Strip.

    The best RW has, is its proximity to Circus Circus. Which like I mentioned before. most might view as a detriment.

    I actually tried the Venetian offer match! I was going to make a post on it, but it was a horrible failure. IMO, they are wording things to only target higher end players. Matches are at the sole and absolute discretion of Venetian. So they can reject any matches as they see fit. They will only consider matching luxury properties on the Las Vegas Strip.

    I sent them pictures of my players club cards in town. Prime with RW and Gold with MGM. And copies of my offers. RW $1,000 FP and $200 RC. Bellagio $600 FP and $350 RC. Both offers come with suite upgrades. They asked for my dates, which i gave them (2 nights) and proof of my win/loss, which wasn't an issue. As I played through about $100,000 this year between both clubs.

    Then they rejected me, for a random weekend that had nothing major going on. No F1 or anything. I checked the website, and plenty of rooms I could have booked. And none with inflated pricing. So I pushed back, and asked "Not a single room of any kind available? The website shows plenty". And they said No, not any that are eligible for this offer. They told me to pick new dates, which i did for a random week day in December. And they never replied to me again.
    Viva Las Vegas likes this.
  17. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    I have stayed/played at Resorts World four times now. I have never seen the casino crowded. Or even close to it. I was there in June as well as in July

    For sure, more people wandering around the property now then my first trip back in Feb of 2023. But still not that many gambling. At least not when I have been there. And certainly not compared to other Strips places on those same trips. It is not a Rio Ghost Town by any means. It does seem like the tables get good action. But maybe because they dont have that many of them?

    I agree with the convention people, but they seem to be hogging up the restaurants more so. And the club kids take up a lot of space. Zouk & Ayu (Day Club) lines choke the shopping mall area with lines to get in. But i think they are still in need of actual gamblers. But if they are selling room, making money from the eats and clubs. Gamblers might be low on their list.

    But with Fontainebleau up and running, with immediate access next door to the convention center. I'd have to think they are stealing conventioneers away.
    Viva Las Vegas likes this.
  18. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Player's Clubs:
    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    I am 90% sure that Resorts World offers can now be used without an actual stay. Can anyone confirm this?

    When I started this thread, their offers switched from a group. IE, Your August offers are $1,000 in free play, $200 in dining credit and 3 nights stay. To sections with specific dates. Dec 1st-January 31st $1,000 in total free play ($500 from Dec 1st - 31st. $500 from Jan 1st - 31st) ETC on the dining credit. Kinda how locals casinos do it.

    They also switched having to room charge to resort credit. To having it already loaded on your card. IE, no need for a room.
  19. KingJasonSlots

    Founding Fanatic

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    I’ve used my offer without staying at least 4 or so times in the last several months. I didn’t always use the food but in the times I did it is just loaded right to the card from the machines.

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    tringlomane, Lumpy Mattress and Grid! like this.
  20. Grid!

    Grid! Platinum

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    Player's Clubs:
    Mlife: Platinum. Borgata: Black Label. Total Rewards: Diamond.
    Thanks for confirming KJ!
    KingJasonSlots likes this.

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