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Royal Flusher posts

Discussion in 'YouTube, Blog and Social Media Links' started by Royal Flusher, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Sore Feet and Huge Grins

      04 May 2024
      Day 3 Thu. Dec. 4, 1997Had a bagel from our cheap bastards supply in the room and bought a latte. A little 25 cent VP with coffee and then on to Excalibur, MGM Grand (signed up for slot club - played a bit to break in the card).
    tringlomane, Texas Steph and Geddy3 like this.
  2. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Savvy Silver Mining

      06 May 2024
      Day 4 Friday Dec. 5, 1997Started out as usual with nickel VP - 2nd hand hit 4 eights! I love starting the day with 250 greasy nickels.Played more. While waiting for Karen in the women's room, I 'invested'. So many machines to play! There are the tendon-pull inducing red stools.
    #282 Royal Flusher, May 6, 2024
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  3. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Comps, Comps, Comps!

      10 May 2024
      Day 5 Saturday Dec. 6, 1997 Our best day yet. We had $40.00 left over from our budget for yesterday. We had a cheap bastard bagel in the room and bought coffee to go.Hit Excalibur, played a bit, and on to MGM.
  4. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      That Winning Smile

      11 May 2024
      Day 6 Sunday Dec. 7, 1997The National Rodeo Final are on in Las Vegas and everywhere we go, there are cowboys and country music. The uniform seems to be a cowboy hat, 29" waist with tight legged jeans, and a shirt that is one color on one side and a different color on...
  5. Geddy3

    Geddy3 Bronze

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    Wow, what a great flash back! I think my first trip was around 1994 and stayed at the Luxor so everything you are describing is so familiar and soooooo missed. Had no idea how good we had back then with comps and gambling. Thanks for this!
  6. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      A Wonderful Dream

      16 May 2024
      Day 7 Stardate Mon. Dec. 8, 1997We found these quiet Bonus VP quarter machines near a waterfall in Luxor and enjoyed playing there. I hit four Aces for 400 quarters. At Excalibur, Karen hit those four 8s on the same nickel machines again.
  7. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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    A two-fer today as I wrap up the vintage trip report.

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      Steak and Eggs Hold the Steak

      19 May 2024
      Day 8 Tue Dec. 9, 1997Our last full day in Vegas. 25 cent VP in our quiet area at Luxor. K did well with four 2s and a series of wins. Ended up up $75.00. A great start.Cab to Mirage. Saw no rats.Played the usual there and then over to TI.

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      The O'Hare Snare

      19 May 2024
      Day 09 Wed Dec. 10, 1997Pack up, time to go home. We went down to the Gold Chamber booth to get our meals comped. We bill all our meals to the room and they usually comp them after. The previous three times we've gotten most of it back.Last time they comped about $80.
  8. tringlomane

    tringlomane Theoretical Video Poker Addict
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    Caught back up to this. A great read! And nice to see a very detailed report of an era I wasn't allowed to yet gamble in!

    And awesome you had the thoughtfulness to take a picture of Karen's first Royal!

    My first Royal (2011, I think) was the only one I did NOT take a picture of. It didn't help it was only a penny one for $40. Lol

    I did get a photo of M's first at least.

    de6d7ce8066f821de81d7e02a3e3f563 (2) (2).jpg

    Thanks for taking the time to share with us!
    Texas Steph and Royal Flusher like this.
  9. NickPappageorgio

    NickPappageorgio ¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?
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    Finally back in the saddle and got to catch up on this. LOVE the Vintage Vegas reports. My first trip to Vegas was 1994 so I remember, fondly, a LOT of what you are speaking of. Back then it WAS better, regardless of what some people say. Back then it was the Strip and you did not feel like they were wringing you dry to get your last dollar out of you.

    Sadly, those days are long gone. When I look back at that, and then leap forward to today, it's amazing how much Vegas has changed for us. When Mrs. P and I first started hitting up Vegas together 2001, it was all Strip all the time. Fast forward to today and we never stay on the Strip, only venture there when we have hockey tickets, and even then we NEVER gamble on the Strip at all. Reading these types of reports remind me of days when you could take $100 into a Strip casino, and just bomb around all day. With the tightened slots, reduced table games and horrible VP pay tables $100 is about 10 minutes of play now. And, yes, my bankroll has grown over the years but there's still something that's been lost over the years. The disappearance of hand written comps, the personal touch, those were the things that MADE Vegas what it was. It USED to be a customer service town, now it's a conveyor belt.


    Thank you for this report. It brought me back.
  10. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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    Thanks for your post, you said a mouthful.

    Things keep degenerating. Get this. The Cal now has an early check-in fee. The Cal.

    Yes, I said The Cal. Crikey.
  11. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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    OK, time for a new trip report. Just got back from Vegas.


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      Welcome to Fabulous Las Vega.

      06 June 2024
      Day 1 part 1 Tuesday May 28, 2024Welcome to Fabulous Las Vega.Well, I was starting to feel like I was just rattling around in the house as the weeks have gone by. I've set to cleaning, decluttering and re-organizing from top to bottom.
    Suekel, Elf70, tringlomane and 2 others like this.
  12. Texas Steph

    Texas Steph I think I'm addicted to Vegas...
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    Yay, a Flusher TR!

    Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  13. tringlomane

    tringlomane Theoretical Video Poker Addict
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    Good start! Look forward to the rest!
    Texas Steph and Elf70 like this.
  14. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Senor Gustavo Flusher El Vigoroso

      08 June 2024
      Day 2 Wed May 29, 2024 Today, I am not Royal Flusher.Today, I am Flusher El Vigoroso, also known as Senor Gustavo, The Legendary Explorer.I am tough, I am strong, and I squint confidently into the distance while smoking a cup of coffee.
  15. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      A Hot Topless Beaker

      09 June 2024
      Day 3 Part 1 Thurs May 30, 2024 Poor fucking Wizard. Booted from the Dirty Castle. Maybe I can book the cottage?Day 3 is in some ways my favorite day of a Las Vegas vacation.
  16. tringlomane

    tringlomane Theoretical Video Poker Addict
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    That "Buffalooooo" shirt you saw. Hilarious. Hope the gambling can turn around for you!
    Texas Steph and Royal Flusher like this.
  17. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Lucky Cucumber Power

      10 June 2024
      Day 3 Part 2 Thurs May 30, 2024 Things were not going well on Buffffffalllllllo! Ascension. I was playing $1 a spin and not much was happening except losing.
    tringlomane and Suekel like this.
  18. Anna T.

    Anna T. Platinum
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    Great reading! We were in Vegas at the same time. Making a lot if the same choices!
  19. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      No Intention to Gamble

      11 June 2024
      Day 4 Part 1 Fri May 31, 2024 I've been bombing around so much that I seem to have strained my left ankle. It's an aggravation of a number of sprains I've had in that ankle and foot over the years. Probably scar tissue.
  20. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Palladium
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      Shockwave Mode: The Stench of Desperation

      12 June 2024
      Day 4 Part 2 Fri May 31, 2024 How the hell could I play video poker for 2 hours and 10 minutes on $100? Well, I'd have to hit something, I thought.I picked quarter Shockwave from the menu and started playing.Within just a couple of minutes I was down to $80.
    tringlomane, Suekel and Texas Steph like this.

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