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MGM is it me?

Discussion in 'M life - MGM' started by Imnofool, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. SIlverGolfer

    SIlverGolfer Palladium
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    I personally feel that the top tier MGM casinos are far nicer than the top-tier CET casinos. To each his own I supposed.

    Merry Christmas to all.
    IM ALL IN, tringlomane and UKFanatic like this.
  2. SIlverGolfer

    SIlverGolfer Palladium
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    I'm also mostly a solo vegas traveler. Being a tall able-bodied male, I never worry about my safety but I'm fully cognizant of a solo traveling woman's concern for hers.

    Cosmo has tons of sketchy people as to many of the CET properties.
    tringlomane likes this.
  3. Elf70

    Elf70 Palladium
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    I’ve traveled to Vegas solo for years. The only place I’ve ever had a security issue was Aria. Bottom line - it can happen anywhere. Casino security is there to protect the assets of the company. Tourists, gamblers, etc., need to be aware of their personal security at all times.
    IM ALL IN likes this.
  4. newmans

    newmans Mayflower Fury
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    I’m in Vegas 8 or 9 times a year. At least half the time on my own. I generally stay at a CET property. I’ve stayed at Cosmo too. I’ve never been concerned about my safety, but I’m always aware of my surroundings. The pit at PH and Paris have always been very good. If someone is too close to me, they’ll ask if I’m okay. They’ll back people off that are in my personal space. The casino manager has stepped in a couple of times as well. I’ve never had anyone at Cosmo or Aria ask me if I was okay with people crowding me. My experience is obviously different than yours.
    #44 newmans, Dec 25, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2018
    IM ALL IN likes this.
  5. jyen

    jyen I love gambling !
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    I have encounter one of those CD guy this trip, I just tell him what's a CD, nobody listens to those now
    IM ALL IN and tringlomane like this.
  6. Texaschameleon

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    I am also a solo traveler and first started going to Vegas solo when a friend had to back out on a road trip about four years ago and never looked back.I now visit half a dozen times per year. I really love staying at Pallazzo as I always feel safe. Was gambling about 4 am and a very drunk man started bothering me and security was there within minutes and stayed around which was amazing.

    There are crazies everywhere...but it feel great knowing that as a single female I don't have to worry.
    IM ALL IN and tringlomane like this.
  7. Goldenknight

    Goldenknight Palladium

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    They need to start handing out iPods, maybe I'd oblige them then.
    tringlomane likes this.
  8. SIlverGolfer

    SIlverGolfer Palladium
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    I think you've misinterpreted what I said. I was replying to an earlier post about sketchy people and said that I've observed sketchy people at Cosmo and CET casinos. I've never had to ask security to intervene on my behalf at any casino. I can take care of myself.
  9. newmans

    newmans Mayflower Fury
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